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Norwood Family Eye Care Blog

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What Causes Dry Eye?

Tears are essential to how the eye operates and sustains clear vision. You will find your eyes are very uncomfortable with insufficient or unstable tears. Over time, you will have the feeling of sand in your eyes, they will turn red, and they will be very irritated. Left untreated, this can damage the ocular surface, thus harming your vision. The condition of insufficient or unstable tears is called dry eyes.

How Does a Diabetic Eye Exam Differ From a Traditional Exam?

Diabetes can affect your body in various ways, including your eyes. It can increase the risk of developing multiple eye conditions. That is why doctors recommend regular eye examinations to protect your eye health. More than 40 percent of patients with diabetes in the U.S. have some form of diabetic retinopathy. But do standard eye examinations differ from diabetic eye exams? If they do, how are they different?

How Are Dry Eyes Diagnosed?

Dry eye syndrome is a chronic condition that affects almost 50 percent of all adults at some time in their life. The failure of the eyes to produce adequate tears to ensure constant lubrication is its main characteristic. The quantity or quality of tears fails to maintain the required eye moisture. 

Ocular Allergies: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Ocular allergies, also called eye allergies or allergic conjunctivitis, are common eye problems. Around 40 percent of people in the United States experience ocular allergies, and the figure is rising.

What Eye Symptoms in a Diabetic Should Cause Concern?

Diabetes affects how your body turns food into energy. It causes the pancreas to produce less insulin than the body needs. It may also cause the body to be less effective in utilizing the insulin it makes to regulate blood sugar.

When Should I See an Optometrist After Cataract Surgery?

When cataracts form on the eye lens, they make the lens cloudy, affecting vision. Cataract surgery is a procedure that involves the removal of the cloudy eye lens. Eye doctors perform the surgery in an outpatient procedure. You need to take care of your eyes after the surgery. Here is more information on when you should see an optometrist after cataract surgery.

What Do Blue Light Lenses Do?

Most people today are spending more time using digital screens. One reason for this is that working online has become more common in the last two years than ever before. Remote learning has also meant people spend more than eight hours using computers, tablet screens, and smartphones, which is unhealthy.

How to Pick the Best Sunglasses to Protect Your Eyes

Why do you even need a pair of sunglasses in the first place? The sun emits very harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. You may want to protect your eyes from these rays. Prolonged exposure to UV rays may cause cataracts or pterygiums or even damage your vision.

What Causes Ocular Allergies?

Ocular allergies are adverse immune responses when the eyes interact with an irritating substance. These substances or allergens make the eyes red, watery, and itchy. The immune system mistakes allergens for bacteria and viruses.

Why Routine Eye Exams Are Important

When scheduling health appointments, you should not overlook eye exams. Unfortunately, most people only schedule eye exams when they suspect a vision problem. Others assume that a basic visual screening is adequate. 

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