5 Common Eyecare Myths Debunked

You have probably heard a myth or two about eye care without even knowing it. There are many common myths that lead to misinformation and confusion among people. They can influence you to make an unwise decision that can harm your eye health and vision. Read on to learn more about the common eye care myths debunked.


Carrots Improve Vision

The fact is that if you eat carrots, they can help you maintain good health as they have vitamin A. They are rich in beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A is ideal and necessary for the health of your eyes. But if you have vision problems that require you to have contacts or glasses, eating carrots cannot help. They cannot improve your vision, and you should seek treatment from a qualified professional.


Eye Exams Are Unnecessary Unless You Have a Vision Problem

One of the primary ways to ensure you maintain your eye health and preserve your vision is by getting regular eye examinations. They are crucial even if you are not currently diagnosed with a vision problem. Your eye doctor can perform an exam to detect signs of certain eye diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration in their early stages. Doing so will enable you to start treatment immediately to prevent the eye disease from progressing. 


Reading Glasses Can Weaken Your Eyes

Reading glasses correct an age-related condition called presbyopia. The natural condition causes your eyes to lose focusing ability on nearby objects. It often develops when an individual reaches around age 40. 

Presbyopia symptoms include eye fatigue and strain when doing up-close work, the need to hold reading material far from your eyes, or difficulty reading small print. The use of reading glasses helps correct this condition. Reading glasses cannot weaken your eyes in any way. They help individuals read comfortably.


Eyedrops Treat All Eye Issues

The fact is you can use eye drops to treat different eye problems. However, they are not a solution to cure everything. Many other eye conditions require different types of treatment, like medication or surgery. Consult your eye doctor so they can help advise the best treatment to relieve or manage your eye condition

It is vital to use eyedrops according to your health care’s directions. Following the labeled instructions is also crucial. Doing so will help avoid treating conditions that do not require this type of liquid medication for treatment. Contact your doctor or healthcare provider as soon as you experience unusual side effects or the problem you are trying to treat worsens.

For more about debunked eye care myths, call Norwood Family Eyecare at our office in Bartlett, Tennessee. Call 901-617-8095 to book an appointment today.

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